Sorry for the length of this, but I need some honest opinions and some solid advice.
My SO and I have been together for 5 1/2 years. We bought a house and have a child together. We have a very strict schedule we need to stay on. We work opposite shifts, we have one vehicle, we have a darling 3 year old, and I went back to school this year. Also added in the mix is our two friends who have been living with us (their house fell through so we helped them out for a while) and they're about to move out.
Excited as we are about finally having our house to ourselves .... Some bad news came blowing on through.
My father in law might be going to jail. Extremely awful situation. This leaves my mother in law without someone to take care of her.
She has seizures so she can't drive, work, or live on her own.
My SO told her she could live with us. ....even though her mother has a little apartment on her property in which my mother in law could live in comfotably and be well taken care of.
I know it's awful of me to say, but I do not want her to live with us.
I do not want my son to grow up with her in the house. She uses her illness as a crutch, she spends her days smoking (pot) herself stupid, she does and says whatever she wants, and she takes advantage of my SOs good nature.
We had a horrible fight about it today. I told him that I think her moving in would be a big mistake and would put an awful starin on our relationship. We don't have the time to cater to her every whim and I don't want her drug use in my house. SO became extremely upset with me.
I am at a loss for what to do. Any suggestions and opinions would be great.
Re: SO wants his mother to move in
This guy is not for you.
You are not coming in first -- you are last and you will always be last. He cannot put his mother first and he cannot let his friends --or anyone -- come between you and him.
You and he should be discussing where to send your kiddo to school in the future and you and he should be growing your lives together! None of this should include his mother this and his mother that -- it should be you and he and yeah, the child.
I have been there so I know. None of this boded well for me and it sure does not for you.
As I said:
You have no legal tie to him; you are not married to him.
You have free will to leave, minus the pain and expense monetarily of a divorce.
You will have to get the co-owned house issue straightened out and you will need an attorney for that and for child support and visitation. This looks like "a lot" but wow, you have to put yourself FIRST, no questions asked.
This is also an unhealthy environment for the child. There is already the problem of your SO's character -- a kid who is very young will be able to pick up on that -- plus you are not put first. And you have a rocky relationship, based on the fact the 2 of you were NEVER alone!! You had these friends living with you and that's just loco....I don't know why he thought this was okay.
Say no to him. And your entire bagful of problems will be gone, in one fell swoop.
I suggest you move back in with your parents; take the child with you. This SO of yours is not for you. He never will be. His mother and his friends will be first; you will be last and so will your child.
He stinks on ice and so does a life with him.
That means she is a landlord and a landholder.
That means she has financial means to take care of HERSELF.
And I will bet she has money in bucketloads.. She has to have tenants.
And I will bet this is not the only property she owns, the one with the little apartment she can live in, on her own. She's got rents coming in and she's as flush as it gets.
And he is putting you in this financial hole and hole, living arrangement-wise???
You and his child, the one he is to be the platinum standard by which to exemplify what character is???
He has zero character.
And he wants to bring a druggie and an active one --into the home he shares with you and his child???
He is a PIG.
And you're a fool for being with him and saying okay to all of this. You are saying okay by the fact that you never verbally said it was OKAY!
Why in the world did you stomach out the fact that he decides all of this without you??? isn't this what being a committed couple is about: you and he are a team???
When you leave this jerk, get counseling for yourself.
Find out why you said okay to a pushover and somebody with no character -- and why you could not speak up and stand up for your rights.
Do this, or you will wind up with another one just like this creep you're living with.
It is never ever a good idea to have a child unless you have at least 2 very stable years of marriage under your belts.
Reason being what you just showed us.
You need a man of strong character --- he hasn't got that -- and also need financial security and many other things that indicate a healthy marriage.
Kids need to know what a healthy relationship is like and how a mother treats a father and vice versa. It's the building block for everything in that child's life and future.
You are now stuck with this creep for the well-celebrated 18 years. You will have this guy around for 18 years, along with his undependability, zero character and the fact he treated you like a doormat. He will continue to be this way for good, even if you leave him --- you are now stuck with him for parental reasons.
@TarponMonoxide, I think you may have misunderstood the alternative living place. I am understanding that it is the SO's grandma's place...the mother of the problem person (SO's mother). Which, to me, is all the more reason that is a substantially better place for her.
To the OP, why doesn't your SO see that her living with her mother is absolutely the best care she can receive all around? Neither you nor him have the time or resources to care for her anyway. ESPECIALLY at the expense of the small child you all have. And it will be at that child's expense, because there isn't enough time or money (I'm guessing) to go around for both. Not to mention, between the being high all the time and having no speech filter, she sounds like a horrible influence for your LO.
For me personally, this would be a deal breaker, mainly because of the young child. If she comes, I go. You may not feel as strongly as that, and I can understand that viewpoint also, but it is such a bad idea.
I know I'm preaching to the choir. The best advice I can give to change your SO's mind is showing how it is not in his mother's best interest for her to move in. Maybe (hopefully) that will sway him.
The youngster is a strong factor, too. He can't stand by his offer and just let her move on in.
The fact that he did this WITHOUT talking to you speaks volumes. This is a HUGE burden to take on and to not talk to you..... well, you know where you stand. His mom comes first before you or your child. ANd that will probably continue.
You mention his "good nature". Well, that needs to be towards YOU too and he needs to be thinking of you and your child first.
Moving in a parent is a huge decision much less w/ the issues you list out with her.
So.... IS this a deal breaker for you?? That's something to really think about.