So this Mommy gladly claims to be clueless about Yo Gabba Gabba, but apparently Jos & Nat know them well. Natalie got this guitar for Christmas and as she's rocking out the tunes...Jocelyn is singing along, ever word.
At least the songs have a message... "Be careful when there's danger! Look Out! Look Out!"
Re: Yo Gabba Gabba madness?
I've never heard of Yo Gabba Gabba either and Gavin got that same guitar for Christmas. My sister said she looked for the one item that made the most noise (nice...) and thought that would do the trick.
Gavin doesn't really watch any TV (he can't sit still long enough) so he doesn't know it...but the noise of the guitar definitely gets his attention.
I think the guitar is ugly...I mean...the kid is strumming an eyeball for God sakes....
Oh and Nat rocks out...I mean she holds the guitar, like she's craddling a baby and sways back and forth dancing.
So glad there's an OFF switch!
YGG is the only thing that brings Allison out of a grumpy mood. She loves it! It's really the only tv we 'let' her watch. DH even got her the DVD. lol. It's not necessarily the show that gets her attention though, it's the music, because we get the same calming/excitement effect when DH plays YGG on his iTouch.
But be careful, it will eventually grab your attention and you'll enjoy watching it too! And then the'll start waking up with the songs in your head!
Not just wake up with the songs in my head Nicole...all day at work! "Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid." Ai!
I thought the show tunes to the movie Annie were going to push me over the edge. LOL!
Just you wait!
"Run Run Run
It's fun fun fun!"
It's only the guitar that I know about. Good thing we haven't watch the show at home. I'd go bonkers!
The one that always stays in my head is...
"there's a party in my tummy. So yummy, so yummy"
Jacob's favorite show is Max & Ruby.?
Isaac is in luv with Biz Markie's beat of the day. Now he has Ella whining to play on the laptop! Isaac's favorite is Elijah Wood doing some Nuba Nuba dance with the YGG's or whatever the heck they are called. People do the weirdest things with remixes!
I've seen the commercial for the DVD and some of the toys at target but it hasn't caught mia's eye..although, I thought she was out of the Doodlebop phase, boy was I wrong! Went to best buy and she found a DB dvd that she didn't have so daddy bought it. Talk about catchy songs! I even went and bought her a Dee Dee Doodle wig that she has begging me for, she looks cute in it though
Mar LOVES YGG. She was watching it this am & was dancing like a mad woman. So funny!?
"Find a friend" "Find a Friend"
Yo gabba gabba, yo gabba gabba..... ahhhhhhhhh?