and I was totally freaked out. lol. Instead, I really should have taken advantage of the situation. LOL.
Allison refused to nap yesterday, so when we got home aroun 4:00pm I tried to put her down, but had no luck. She had the "too tired to go to sleep so I wanna play" screaming cry. I tried to let her Cry it out, but I couldn't do it, but everytime I tried to hold her and soothe her she wanted nothing to do with me. She finally cried herself to sleep around 4:45pm. she didnt wake up until 7:45 this morning. WOW.
I didn't want to wake her, figuring she probably needed the sleep, and that she would let me know if she was wet or hungry. But I still checked on her ever 30 minutes or so. Call me paranoid, but who's baby sleeps that long anyway? This DH said that if she slept much longer he was going to take her to the ER. LOL. I just think she's tired from all the new things she started doing this week: pulling all of her toys out of the toy basket, crawling around the house and actually pushing herself up into a sitting position from laying down, and then once she "masters" one thing she starts trying something new. She's been very busy, and quite frankly, so have we(trying to keep up with her).
Re: wow...she slept for 15 hours...
Ever since J has been on vacation from school, he has been sleeping for 12+ hours at night. ?He hasn't napped since the summer. ?every now and then he will take a nap, but it usually makes him stay up later.
SO glad your little one is self regulating! ?hehe?
Isn't it I can't get Katie to sleep more than 9-12 hours and that is usually with a feeding some where in between and then knocking back out for a few more hours.
I'll bet she is going to grow a little.
Isn't it scary when they do that? Last week, for three days in a row, Blair fell asleep at 6 p.m. and slept until 8 a.m. Instead of enjoying it, DH and I stayed up until midnight waiting for her to wake up! Of course last night she refused to go to bed at all. She didn't want to be held, she didn't want to be put down, then at 12:30 she just let out a big scream and passed out in DH's arms (it was pretty funny)
You're right, there's just so much more interesting things the baby could be doing other than sleep!