I just saw your page to me from the other day and thought it would be easier to just post to you! I am on here now and then, sometimes lurking, sometimes posting, deoending if I have time to respond and feel like I can add value
Thanks for the compliment on the pic of Ryan - that was taken in November and I should update it but it is one on my favorites so I keep it! He is now 14 1/2 months and I don't know where the time has gone. Yesterday I said to my husband "Ryan is such a kid now, not a baby." He has been for ahwile but sometimes it just hits me! I started crying the other day when he was trying to do the hand motions for Itsy Bitsy Spider - what is wrong with me? Lol!
How Collin doing? He is sooo cute in your siggie pic!!! Getting so big too!
Re: Beth - Mrs P.
Hi Lauri!
Collin is doing great. He's doing so many new things lately, its hard to keep up. I know exactly what you mean about losing track of time.. and don't worry about the crying. I was cleaning Collin's room last weekend and took out all of his 0-3 and 3-6 month clothing and filled his drawers with all his new 6-9 and 12 month stuff and shed a few tears through that. He's going to be 5 months on Friday and he's already weighing about 21lbs and measures 27.5 in long so we've already had to order convertible seats since he's at the limit for his infant one. ::sigh:: Where did my "little" boy go?! He's growing so fast, it makes me a little sad. At the same time, though, its fun to watch him thrive. He started rolling last week and is all over the place now.
That is definitely a great pic of Ryan, so I can understand how it'd be hard for you to take it down! What a cute little boy you have!
Thanks for getting back to me!