As some of you know, my facebook profile pic is me sporting my super-sweet Cullens baseball shirt. One of my cousins (technically something like first cousin, twice removed, I think? - she's the granddaughter of my dad's cousin) - she's 16, commented on the pic, which of course led to me commenting back about being a Twilight fan.
I think I might have met her once, when she was much younger (she lives in Va. with her mom, and I've never caught her on a visit to her dad), but we spent a couple hours yesterday, commenting back and forth about Twilight.
There's nothing like reconnecting with a (semi)distant relative through Cullen love.
Homegirl has only seen the movie, though, so I insisted on mailing her the audiobooks (once I get Ecl. and BD). Weeee!!!
Re: A Twilight story, by J&T
I can't imagine seeing just the movie! In fact, I'm pretty sure I would have NOT watched the movie if I hadn't read the books.
Yay for connecting through Twilight! My little sister and I hung out more over Christmas than usual b/c we wanted to Twi-chat without my older sister giving us dirty looks.
I know!!! She was stringing me along, had me thinking she was a fan of the books, then suddenly she said something about not knowing there were four books.
I nearly died right then and there. If I could have reached through my computer and shook her, I would have. See why I insisted on sending the audiobooks? She said she hates reading (plus we know my ABs are basically free), so she promptly got added to my list of recipients.
Didn't know there were four books?? Is she living under a rock!?
Dude. I was thinking the same thing. I didn't want to embarrass her, though, so I let it go. If I knew her better (aka at all), I would have let her have it. You can't claim Twilight love and not know about all four books! OMG!?
::slaps forehead::
HAHAHA.. o m F e.. now that takes it a whole new direction!!! :-D
Lmao. Now I'm facebooking back and forth with another Twilight-fan cousin. Like the other, she saw the movie before reading the books. Unlike the other, she's now done with Twilight and is working on New Moon and says she can't put it down.
Atta girl!