I thought Blair would be all over the solids! She's so grabby at our plates, I figured she was ready to eat, but I forget that she has no concept that the stuff on our plates is food...she puts everything in her mouth regardless of whether it's edible!
So we started on rice cereal (the Gerber DHA kind, nasty! The Beechnut kind, goo. Cream of Rice made with water and a touch of the Beechnut for the added vitamins, perfect..ish) At first she'd take about 6 spoonfuls before she clammed up and started crying, but we've regressed and now she'll take about 2 before the fussing starts. I don't think she likes it. She didn't like i super-liquidy, but neither does she seem to like it very mushy. Today I broke the rules and added a spoonful of jarred bananas and gave her a little taste of both --and she doesn't like the bananas either.
Of course, I know it's going to take time before she gets used to eating cereal, I just can't figure out how to give it to her. Our ped said in the a.m. BEFORE nursing, but when she's that hungry she just gets crabby and refuses to eat it. But after nursing, she's full, and gets crabby and refuses to eat it.
Oh well, tomorrow is another day!
Re: oi! introducing solid foods isn't as easy as I thought!
Go Blair! 2-6 spoons sounds good to start. honestly!
if i may suggest, try using formula instead of water to make her goop. ha! fruit juice too, but i'd check with your pedi about that one.
good luck! keep up the good work...both of you!
hang in there. it's a completely new thing for them, and for some it takes a little longer to get used to it and learn to like it.
but it'll happen! hell, the bean is 15 months old and i STILL can't get her OFF of the baby food. whenever i try to give her regular fruits and veggies, she spits 'em out. but she hoovers right through a jar of stage 2 food. go figure.
Try in the early afternoon to give her food. That is when I started giving the boys their first solid food. Once they got the hang of it, then I added one in the late morning after their first bottle.
Hang in there, it easier. But then gets harder again when you go to table food - we are still struggling there! my boys would only eat cheerios, peas and fruit if I let them!