Isn't it crazy? I almost died when I saw what they were offering. I thought I was reading it wrong so I went over it at least twice. Did you notice that their contributions are significantly LESS than what you pay? I mean geesh. With our old employer, yeah the one that crumbled, we at least could offset our pitiful raises with the fact that we had decent insurance. Now we have neither.
I guess if you are single with no dependents and no health issues then all is well. Otherwise, you could end up living in debt because you dared to go to the dr's for an ear infection, that required an
Do you like working for these folks? Thoughts?
I looked at their website and appears they have much to offer. Only weird part is that a majority of what they offer, you have to pay for???Ummm...and is anyone dumb enough to sign up for that parent resource assistance spiel? $30.00 a month and they listen to you vent about being a parent? For that price, I'll just let people call my cell phone! Good lord!
Re: **becklaroo**
Sorry it took me so long to respond but I don't dare hop on the Nest during the day now!
When we first looked at their benefits we were like, "hmm, not too bad" but then we realized that the out of pocket expenses were per paycheck and not per month which was what we thought and we were shocked! And then for Open Enrollment for 2009 they sent out these emails saying that they "listened" to their employees concerns and we would be seeing changes and more affordable insurance, blah blah blah but it was like a difference of 10.00 per check or something disgusting like that. I still can't believe that such a huge and strong bank could be so cheap with their insurance..
I don't hate working for them, but it's so different than what I am used to. I came from a small home grown bank that only had 6 branches so it felt more like a family and this is definitely "big bank" I am impressed with their systems and technology, it is top of the line and I am hoping to learn as much as I can from it, and of course I'm grateful that that I do have a job especially in this economy. We converted back in mid November and it was pure hell let me tell you, and I'm just now beginning to feel a little more comfortable and more confident in what I'm doing.
That waiting period between the announcement that we were bought by them and the day they told us whether we were "going forward" or not was awful too. Have they told you anything yet about that? If they're going to keep any of you on with them?
Good luck, it's such a stressful thing to go thru and I totally feel your pain! Let me know if you have any questions that I may be able to help you with.
Take Care!