I'll preface by say ing I called her doc today, but I had to leave a message, so I'm waiting for his response. In any case, I like to have real-mom remedies too!
So poor little A has had this hacking cough since Monday night and we don't know what to do to make her feel better. It's not constant, but rather it's sporadic throughout the day and then she coughs through the night. Her spirits are high and she doesn't seem bothered by it, it's more like she's confused by it. LOL. It actually sounds like she wants to hack stuff up.
I know we can't give her any meds, or tea with honey for that matter, so we've kept her bundled up at night and when it's cool and we're giving her lots of snuggles...but what else might help?
Re: What to do for her cough?
OMG Nicole, Isabella is going through the exact same thing. She's in good spirits but she gets scared and shows the pain when she's coughing. Poor babies. I took her to the doctors yesterday and he said it wasn't in her lungs which was good news but of course we can't give her anything either. I put my little Vick's humidifier last night and it seemed to help. I also bought the little noses saline drops for her stuffed up nose.
Hope Allison feels better soon!! ((((HUGS))))
Ditto. I hope she feels better soon!