This is my first cycle off BCP and I forgot how painful ovulating can be! We're not TTC yet, but I wanted to chart my cycles to make sure they're regular and I'm ovulating normally. I've got a history of ovarian cysts and wanted to head any issues off early before we do TTC. I should have ovulated on Monday and had an appropriate dip in temp, but since then I've had a gradual .10 degree increase so I think I've got a cyst. I've felt pressure the past few days but today it's bad. I'm leaning forward in my chair at my desk and it hurts more when I stand up. I haven't taken any tylenol b/c I feel like I need to be aware of what's happening, but if the pain gets worse I will definitely take two extra strength pills. Since this is kinda normal for me when I'm not on the pill, I'm not going to call my GYN yet.
For those who are charting, what are your thoughts? Have you had similar occurances/cycles?
Re: UGH!!
Ugh I am so sorry you are feeling like that! I don't have trouble with the pain at ovulation...but I have endo which means serious cramps when not on BCP So I feel for ya!
I tried to look at your chart but it's just taking me to a blank screen.
Thanks, girls. Soooo... My coworker just had to assist me to a nearby sofa b/c I got so light-headed that I couldn't walk. I'm feeling a little better now and can walk on my own, but think I will be heading home in a bit...
oh girl, I'm so sorry. I have a history of precancerous cells so I've had major probs myself. I'm getting off BCP in March/April and will start watching everything. I don't think I could handle it right now.
I hope it gets better for you. What about taking some midol?
I wouldn't be able to get to your chart, I'm sure b/c of work.
hey girl,
well i'm a charter, but i have never been on bcp so i can't really offer my own experiences on that. but it doesn't look to me like you o'ed. your temp shift isn't drastic enough. mine usually shoot up to the 98 degree range. i've heard a few friends tell me that their cramps, etc got worse once they got off bcp. and one friend had an extremely long annovulatory cycle that was like 100+ days long. your body is just adjusting to being without the hormones.
I agree with Tiffany. I'm ' not 100% you O'd yet. In my experience I have the dip then it shoots up pretty drastically. But give it a couple of days...once you FF confirms it you'll get the crosshairs. Also what did FF give you open circles for, do you know? That can mess with getting crosshairs.