I was just wondering if you have joined a Moms of Twins Club. I think they have one in the Nashua area, and it would be etremely beneficial for you. I didn't join the Manchester one till the twins were almost a year, but they were so helpful. They even made me a week's worth of meals! I guess they do that for the new moms, so they did it for me even though I joined later.
Anyways, I think you could find a lot of helpful advice there. I haven't really been involved the last year as life has been crazy and I just haven't had the time to invest in it, but it is definately a great thing!
I found their website! http://www.greaternashuapotm.org/
Re: ~Joy+Bri~
Sorry I had been MIA for a little while :-) Thanks for the tip!!!!
I actually did join the Nashua Parents of Multiples group and went to my second meeting last Thursday (it was actually only 5 mins. from my house). It was very nice to be around everyone who has twins and triplets!! I am looking forward to continuing going and getting some helpful advice! It definitely helps to talk to others in the same boat!