***possible spoiler***
So I've read all 4 books and the draft of MS and I'm still left wanting more!!! Mainly of Edward! When he disapeared in New Moon for so long, I was going crazy wondering if he'd ever come back! And what I wouldn't give to get my hands on Forever Dawn!!! I hope she publishes it one day.
My DH is glad I'm done w/the books b/c I spent every minute of spare time reading them! (and I just had baby#2 in Nov, so it's not like I have a lot of spare time these days, but somehow I read all 4 books in the month of Dec!) Oh, and I haven't seen the movie yet it's only playing at night here and w/babies in the house, the evenings is the worst time for me to be gone, so I'll just have to wait for the DVD to come out.
I've seen posts w/links to other versions writen by random people... can you point me in the direction of ones worth reading?? I think I'll re-read all 4 books again too.
Anyway, glad I found you guys! A girl on my local board told me about this board the other day, so I've been lurking and decided to come out and say hello!!!
Re: New Twi addict here! Need more Edward!!!
Here's a link to one of my faves, find the story titled "Mistaken Vows", it's good. Plus Edward and Alice have a really great relationship in it too. The others are pretty good as well. http://www.fanfiction.net/~twiction
I don't have a link handy, but look up Alphie on fanfiction and read The Lion and the Lamb. It's a lot like Midnight Sun, but the chapter with Edward returning to PA is better, IMO. Plus, she got further than SM (meadow scene!).
Also, check out this really good fanfic of New Moon from Edward's POV. It's amazingly well written and reads just like SM's writing. It was just updated recently, so we're still getting more!
This post made me think "I gotta have more cowbell" Hee hee
Also, toodlebug has some good smutty links if you're into it.
FYI, everam, "blondie aka robin" updated Dark Side of the Moon, but it's on twilighted.net. That's the link I posted above. Snaps to tootlebug for finding it over there yesterday!