H and I got a new tv as our Christmas present to each other and our old one is sitting in the guest room waiting for a new home and i'm sick of it being here!
I'm friends on FB with a friend's mom and she had msged me saying she was interested in it for her son's room and that she'd get back to me. i've msged her back and nothing. bah!
it wouldn't be so bad if we had room for it or an easy way to get it to b'ham but this TV is a beast to carry (our ad on craigslist has pics) and i just want it gone!
do you think 150 is too much for it? probably so. what about 100? any AU ladies know anyone who wants a tv?
Re: slight tv rant
We gave away a 32" Magnavox that was almost new (due to never being used) to my sister. As pp said, technology has advanced so far that people either want the latest super thin, hang it on the wall screen or at least a flat screen. I'd say lower the price as much as you can stand and just get it out of the house.
OH, another option that might get you a tax credit on 09's taxes would be to donate it to Habitat for Humanity, a women's shelter or any other deserving organization...School, Boys & Girls Club??? Just a thought.
You probably wouldn't get 150 for it, but I'd list it at the vet school if you wanted. All those students live close to you anyway.