I don't understand how people can only pick a carreer based upon the amount of money they will make. I don't get how people let money dictate their life. What happened to living your life simply to be happy. Why does money appear to make everyone happier. I mean why do we always compete to have the best of the best. Seriously? This isn't life people. There is more to life than worldly possessions, and nice cars. I understand that people like to have these things, and I admire that. I'm venting about people who only live their life to say 'I'm better than you, b/c I have x x x".
I'm over the inlaws that behave this way.
I may make more than you, but I have something you don't and thats happiness.
Re: I don't get it.
Married my best friend 5*15*2008 Trying to start our family 8*2011
unmedicated iui#3= bfp 10/20/11! beta#1=11, beta#2=85, beta#3=741,beta#4=1000,beta#5=2146,beta#6=7454 *please keep doubling*