Last night's party has squashed the possibility of any of my girls ever having a slumber party ever again! I loved slumber parties as a kid and it kills me to make this decision, but it will never happen again!
A little back story...Michaela and my niece have birthdays that are a few weeks apart. Because they have most of the same friends, we decided to have a joint slumber party. We held the party at my sister's house as she has a bigger back yard and a trampoline and more fun stuff for the older kids. It was a coed party with boys leaving at 10pm and girls sleeping over.
First strike- annoying girl shows up over an hour early and brings her uninvited brother over that none of the other kids even know. Not only did he come along, his parents were also the only ones that were late picking him up.
Strike two- During the course of the evening 4 ipods were stolen. 3 belonged to my neice and nephews and were taken from their rooms and another was stolen from a guests bag. We spent a long time searching for these ipods and threatened to call the police. Eventually 1 ipod did turn up but the other 3 were never found. My sister, much to my dismay, decided not to call parents or police at that time. We did look through all of the girls overnight bags and had them empty their pockets but there had been people that had left by that time so there's no telling who took them.
Strike three - Why on earth do over strict parents allow their daughters to attend slumber parties? We had one girl that wasn't allowed to do any of the activities. She's not allowed to play with makeup, she can't watch movies that are rated anything other than G (we were only watching PG movies), she had issues with some of the music. She was 12, not 5! If the parents want to keep her so sheltered that's their business but don't make her the outcast of all her friends at a party. There was a lot of resentment towards her from the other girls because they had to watch "baby" movies and it was just a sucky situation for all the girls.
To top it off, my neice woke me up at 6am to let me know that Rhian had puked in her sleep. it was everywhere and I decided the best thing to do was to take her home to clean her up. I got her home and showered and not 2 minutes after getting her back into bed, Reese threw up. They took turns puking for the last hour and I just finally got them cleaned up and back to sleep. Hopefully they'll both sleep and stop puking!
Re: Michaela's party was a disaster! Really long
Oh Jenn,
So sorry to hear about the party. I can't believe people would be so bold as to go into the private rooms of the people and house and steal! Thats just terrible.Hopefully inspite of that the girls had fun & they only remember the fun stuff.
When I had my sleep overs it was just with a hand full of girls and no one was allowed in any of our rooms. We all had to stay in the living room. It was the only way Mom could keep an eye on us.
Hopefully Rhian and Reese didn't catch something.
Sorry that it was a bad experience for you. I would not be so quick to write them off forever. Maybe for next time, set more guidelines and rules for the party.
I think you should give slumber parties another chance. You might have a better outcome if you have them at your own home with your own rules.
I also can't belive those kids went into other peoples bedrooms. That's just rude and bad parenting.
Thanks ladies!
Nobody was supposed to be in the bedrooms. In fact, all of the bedroom doors were locked. They only have the bed and bath locks though and they can be opened just by slipping a fingernail or coin into them and turning. I guess somebody found the opportunity to go exploring at some point in the night.
Rhian and Reese both slept for a couple of hours and seem to be feeling better now. They both ate a small lunch and were able to keep it down so hopefully it was just something they ate last night that didn't agree with them.
Oh no! I'm sorry it wasn't a fun party for you. Hopefully, the Ipods will turn up soon.
Wow i'm sorry that happened!
If you want through all the girls things, do you think one of the boys did it????
I would your sister not call every parent. I would!! That many ipods is expensive and whoever stole them SHOULD get in trouble. I wouldn't hesitate to call every parent of every kid that attended to let them know what happened.There a chance that it was a kid that did not spend the night that took them right??
WOW! ?That so sucks! ?I would have been on the phone to the parents immediately.
Hope Rhian & Reese are feeling better.?