DH and I are considering buying our first home in Apopka. ?We are not very familiar with the city, as we live in east Orlando. ?We have loved what we've seen, and the prices seem great for what you get. ?I'm hesitant though, because my boss is constantly telling me "don't move to Apopka, the schools aren't good, it's far from jobs, it attracts lower class people....etc" and he's making me nervous. ?For us, it seems to be a great fit, but like I said, neither of us really know the area very well.
We are still in the early stages of looking for a home, but I was wondering if anyone here lives there or has lived there and can offer any insight. ?Is the commute bad, do you find it to be a safe place, is there much traffic, do you wish you lived in an area more centralized to Orlando, would you enjoy raising kids there, etc...? ?Thanks!
Re: Anyone familiar with Apopka?
My brother and SIL live there, as do some of my coworkers. Brother and SIL are in a pretty OK subdivision (Christiana Gardens) and I don't hear any complaints from coworkers.
Bro/SIL moved there to be close to thier child's special ed. school, but yes, they do hate the work commute. But I'm sure that depends on where you wrok as well.
As lisac said, there are good and bad areas. I think this is true of all of Orlando, certainly of East Orl where you are now. I used to live off Lee Vista Blvd. which I think is considered East Orl, and that was a pretty good area too.
We live in Apopka. My husband works in Oviedo (about 45 Min) and I work in Winter Park (about 35 min). We LOVE it out there. Our subdivision is new- and we are zoned for 3 A rated schools. (bear lake elementary and middle). We have a great neighborhood and i love being out here. There are tons of restaurants that are close and it is a growing area. what subdivisons are you looking at? we recently built our home 2 years ago, but had previously built a home in apopka before that so we're pretty familar with the area
We are looking just south of Weiwa Springs, so we can hopefully be close to H's work in Maitland. ?We did some driving around and it seems like a great area with a mix of new subdivisions, big fancy houses, and some older ones too. ?Are you familiar with that specific area??Glad to hear that PP's seem to love the area so much. ?
I really think we are leaning towards that location. ?It's nice to know that it is a growing area. ?Is there anything that really bothers you about the area? ?I know the last person said the commute far, but I suppose most places in Orlando, you can expect to drive 45 mins to work. ?Thanks for the replies
With the 419 right there, EVERYTHING is accessible. I truly love it out here. It's far enough away from the bigger "cities" that it seems relaxed and peaceful, but then close enough to altamonte (like 15 min) to be able to get to stuff. I'm waiting on a few more restraunts to open up, and maybe a target... but besides that- i love it out here.
the area you're looking in is really nice. we live a little further west (Lester and Vick.. Ryland community-- which is in close out stages now.. so if you wouldn't mind an additional 5-10 minutes- i would check that out as well!! great prices!!) as for the drive to maitland. if your husband took 441 to 414, he's right there.. and in the morning it takes me about 20 minutes from my house to get to that intersection. hope all of this helps!!
I do not live in Apopka but I work there. I am actually at one of the best schools (I think in Orange County
). And I am not just saying that because I work there. I absolutely love my school. It's a brand new school (3 years now), we've gotten an A grade each year and we have ALL the latest technology in every classroom. All of the teachers were hand picked by the principal (since it was a new school) and the administration, teachers, staff all work as a family. It's the best school environment that I have ever worked in and I think that makes a big difference in how the children view school also. I will probably not be going back next year because we are moving and I want to stay at home with the baby, but it is really one job that I will actually miss being there.
Just be sure that you move to the area where the higher rated schools are zoned. Ask around...parents will tell you in a quickness what they think about their school and schools in the area.
I downloaded a spreadsheet from OCPS with past school grades and a lot of them seem to be pretty high in the area we are looking. ?Thanks, I'll be sure to ask around?