I just saw this on KSDK's website. Not sure if anyone would be interested, but posting just in case.
A nationwide lawsuit settlement is allowing for makeup to be available for free at participating retailers beginning tomorrow.The nearly $175 million nationwide cosmetics giveaway is part of a class action lawsuit that was settled against cosmetics manufacturers and department store chains.
You can go to the cosmetics counter at any of the following retailers to ask for their "free" bottle of cosmetics. You can only get one item per visit and there is a limited supply.
Some of the retailers include Macy's, Nordstrom and Neiman Marcus.
Click here http://www.cosmeticssettlement.com/ for more information on the settlement.
The giveaway is limited to a selection of 20 various cosmetic items including body wash, mascara, facial cream and perfume, with an average value of $15.
There are no rain checks, once a site's supply of giveaway cosmetics are exhausted, they are gone. Not all products are available at every giveaway site.
Consumers do not have to prove they were actually harmed to get a giveaway item, you only need to show up to qualify for the giveaway.
The original class-action lawsuit suit alleged that a number of cosmetic manufacturers and stores that carried their products conspired to fix prices. The suit was filed in 2003 and settled in 2004 but it took five years to work out the logistics of the giveaway.
Re: Free cosmetics