So there seemed to have been a payroll error for peeps at my company that worked the day after Christmas. Instead of being paid for 8 regular hours, they were paid for 8 overtime hours. So I'm the lucky one in HR that had to email every person individually with an email that was given to be from the powers above in management stating what the mistake was and how it will be fixed. Those with the error will have 1/2 times their regular pay taken out on Friday for 8 hours. Now I'm getting rude a$$ emails from people that are royally pissed off. It's funnly how no one was pissed off then they got the extra pay. And very few people even came forward telling of the mistake on their check.
Sooo...if a mistake like this was made on your paycheck, would you pissed off that your employer was going to fix it and take the overpayment back?
Re: Poll: Just so that I'm not getting irritated for nothing.
Something similar just happened to me, I elected to remove my DD from my insurance b/c it was going to be too much for me to have to pay. Well I got our insurance cards thinking it'll just be Dh and I's and I get hers too. I looked at my last paycheck prior to that and the difference for my DD was not taken out.When I got to work monday I emailed my HR person saying that I got her card and said if she's already on there just keep her on and I'll have to bite it and just pay for her! Well I get "we can't add her on at this time",she was already added on and they cancelled her. I'm glad that I said something b/c I know that I would've had a fat bill to pay later down the line if I had not said anything.
I would've said something b/c they probably would've docked my pay sometime down the line!
I'd be annoyed that the mistake happened, but would totally understand that it would be corrected in the next period. Tell them to be reasonable! Geez!
Tax issue (because my brain doesn't stop being an acct) how will the 2008 W-2 reflect this? (Syl - you can shoot me now - lol)
Mia, it's not a big enough issue to go back and correct 2008 income so that it reflects correctly on the W-2. We're only talking 8 hours of OT, which means 4 hours of "extra" pay that these people received.
Mia~ the overpayment was made on our 01/09/09 check. Our payroll system is weird where it pays any overtime a pay period later. It's one of those payroll systems where for example the pay period is 01/12 - 01/25, we'll get paid on the 23rd for 80 hours. If you don't end up working 80 hours for that pay period or work more, the adjustments are made on the next check. I just argued with a lady about why an adjustment wasn't being made to her 2008 w2. She still didn't understand that it was because the overpayment was on her first '09 check.
This happened at my work during summer school one year. We all knew it was a mistake and saved the money, just waiting for the district to correct the problem. Which they did in the next pay check.
Not upset, understandable that mistakes happen.
you're so right Syl...why wouldn't people question an error of too much pay, but have a cow when there's a correcting adjustment for it.
seriously people! sorry!
considering the timing, i wonder if people thought it was a holiday bonus - therefore felt "entitled" to the extra $?
sorry they are taking it out on you.
How can you not notice a huge increase in pay and not think it's going be caught? People really can't be that dumb, can they?
If people can get away with extra, they will. I have found it very rare that an employee brings a mistake that I've made on their payroll (in their favor) to my attention. But, the slightest...and I'm talking even a half an hour of missed pay, and they are on the phone and all over my a$$ like you can't imagine.
The minute they feel they have been "wronged" they are such's really sad.