Owen has been climbing EVERYTHING for the last few months. We had been putting the kitchen table chairs on the table after we were done eating. The chairs with the booster seats stayed on the ground because he could not climb them. Well he figured out how to climb up the chair and onto the booster recently. Yesterday I got the fright of my life when I walked into the room to see my son had climbed the chair on the ground, got onto the table and climbed onto the chair on the table and was holding the back of the chair and shaking it! I just had stepped out for a second to put something away in my laundry room.
Now we have to move the chairs out of the room when not in use!
Re: My son almost gave me a heart attack yesterday!
I think Katie and Owen are really twins, not Brando and Owen. They are little monkeys.
Isn't it horrible? To have to remove everything that they can get onto?
I said something similar to DH at scooters jungle. I said Katie is a little whirlwind just like Owen, as we saw her try to climb UP the big slide!
I'd rather get everything dangerous out of their sight, then have to keep pulling them off and saying no. Also it gives me peace of mind when I go to the restroom, or do some laundry! I can't trust my monkey for 2 seconds!
I think you can add Celeste to make it a triplet. She gets up on anything. One time I saw her climb onto the rocking chair, stand and rock it back and forth. The little stool I use for Rj so he can reach the sink is her new obstacle. I have to take it out of the bathroom because she will eventually get on top of it. The thing that scares me is that whenever she gets on top of anything , she rocks it. Oh gosh and I haven't even told you about the stairs....times like these I wish I only had a one story house. The monkeys are growing up and exploring to their hearts content.