Hi nicole!
I saw that you paged me. Sorry I didn't resond. I haven't been on the nest much this week. I went back t work on tuesday and was swamped!! I missed 23 days of work in the last 6 weeks. CRAZY!
Anyway, I was so exhausted by 6pm every night that I came right home and went straight to bed. My surgeon said its normal to get tired quickly right after surgery. The incision pain has subsided to the point that I'm only taking tylenol which is awesome. But man, i get so tired so quickly!
Thanks for asking about me though! I appreciate it. I found out yesterday that I can apply for disability since I was out so long and then i can get back some of my sick/vacation days i used becuase of this. Not all, but i can get back a few which is still awesome.
Re: ~*~Hisdollface~*~
hi TONYA!!!
just butting in here! i'm so sorry you've been so tired but i'm glad that on the road toward your recovery!!!
and double yay on applyin for disability!!