OK, so I checked out the cooking classes and was disappointed that my schedule didn't mesh with the few classes I was willing to spend the money on. Others are WELCOME to take that up as their hosted GTG, but I'm not going to pursue it.
However, I didn't want to drop the ball completely, so I'm officially setting a Get Together.
Please join me on Thursday, February 19 for the Work Week Wine Down at the Villa Inn Restaurant from 5:30-6:30. The Villa is located at 1456 N. Delaware. This event takes place every Thursday; I've heard about it, but never attended myself. Each week, they offer free samplings of chair massage and wines. I figure that we can sit and chat (around the bar and/or at the tables) for that hour and stay longer and order wines or apps if we want to.
I know it's quite a ways out, but with my screwy schedule, it's the first Thursday that worked. If others want to plan a GTG before that, that's totally cool. I just wanted to put it out there. Lemme know if you're interested in attending. If we get a large confirmed group, I'll make reservations... if it's a smaller group, then no reservations are necessary.
Hope to see you February 19!
Re: Mark your calendars for a GTG!