All the bags had a personalized message... the one above is for a boy, they had stars and green letters on their tag. The one below is for a girl and they pink letters and flowers.
The above bag was for a boy (they got the green stuff) they all get a matching plastic utencils set which included a fork, knife and spoon. They all had a bag of animal cookies and a sucker. a kalydascope, slinky, crayons and tube of bubbles, also Mae gave me some really cute cups, prince and princess cups, they all had a blower, the boys got a green maraca and a baby taz book and a sports bottle
The picture below is the girls utencils, they were pink they got a pink tweety book and a pink maraca, and a pink sport cup, which i forgot to take a pic. of... they also got a little bracelet with two little sun flower rings and a yo yo.
also in the picture are the little prince and princess cups, they were so cute they had a blow up wand and sword and a princess tube of bubbles and a sword bubbles...
I think thats it....
Re: Gaby .... my goodie bags..
Wow, those were some nice goody bags. I love the personal touch to each one. Great job!!!