Hey Stephanie! I finally got my new camera!! My birthday is coming up, and DH and I decided that would be a great gift.
So, I am really interested in getting more serious as far as learning goes. I understand what the different functions are (SS, Aperature, ISO) but what I really need is to learn how they go together, and how to I choose which settings depending on the different conditions.
Do you know of any references that I can use to start learning all of the ins and outs?
You can post here, or you can e-mail me at lsims@highland.com. Also, I know that you are making your photography a full time thing. Congrats on that. But I was also going to say that if you ever need any help (an assistant for a day) please let me know. I would love to do anything I could to help you and learn in the process.
Re: EmmieGirl
awesome!!! ?which one did you end up getting? ?I forgot!
I'll shoot you an email in a bit with some info!?