New Hampshire Nesties
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I'm relatively new to the board & new to NH. I'm supposed to be working from home today, but I thought it might be more fun to plan something to look forward to -- other than more snow & cold.
Any interest?
I'm hoping the Concord area, but Manchester/Bedford's great, too . . .
Re: Do we ever GTG?
I think most people tend to be Seacoast or southern NH.
Ok . . . AngelaRay (& anyone else out there . . .hello?)
Shall we just pick a date amongst ourselves?
Possible dates: Feb. 11, 12, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 27 . . .?
In Concord, I can suggest something like Cheer's or Margarita's or the Common Man.
Then maybe we can get some takers.
I have been a lurker, but woudl love to get out there & meet new people. I am in Derry any of those dates .But I would need to be around the Manchester /Derry area if it happens.
So if this one goes bust for me, I am all up for planning another one closer by.
Hey ladies.
?I am also new to this board. ?I live in the Lakes Region also. ?How is everyone today??
Ok, I think we have a quorum - or at least enough for a GTG.
So before, I go "public" with a new post re: the GTG, it be nice to have a date. Feb. 11, 12, or 20th . . . ? Yea? Nay? to any of those . . . Or I can just pick one & hope it works . . .
We can try Concord this time & maybe Tilton next time, as it seems that there are people north . . .
Hi ladies,
I live in the Lakes Region and would be up for a GTG in Tilton/Concord but my due date is 2/20 so I'm going to have to bow out this time. ?Definitely would love to attend another one though!!?
I'm able to do the 11th or 12th.
I tend to hang out on the D&R board... but want to make a habit of frequenting my local board! And would at some point love to meet some of my local ladies!
I'm in Manchester... but will travel- my work schedule is kind of crazy but I do usually have Fri + Sats off... ?
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