Ok, let's try this again! Dh beat me to the computer this morning, so it's a little late. Hope everybody had a good night. What's up for today?
I didn't do a whole lot yesterday. Didn't have any work to do so I ended up going to the antique district in Pomona and walking around. It's really sad how many of those places have closed up, I have a lot of friends who work in the vintage or antique business and they are all hurting. Sign of the times. We watched Dark Knight last night, I wasn't crazy about it....too long for a comic book movie. Today, I've got some stuff to prepare and send out, some bills to pay, and the dog REALLY needs a bath. Then I need to finish pulling nails out of the wall in the nursery. One more day till Friday!!!
Re: Good morning all!
Good morning.
Last night I didn't get to go on my walk with my friend. Hopefully we will get to go tonight. But I did get a chance to file away our important papers, receipts, bank statements etc. in our safe and filing cabinet at home. Organizing everything was fun and it paid off in the end so now I can find something right away. I still have another box to sort through but that might have to wait.
My baby has a runny nose and is congested:( so we'll see how she's feeling tonight so I can leave her with DH to go on my walk.
Today I'm leaving this hell hole early, taking Ella to the dr's for shots and then heading home to clean/cook dinner. I have to finish a baby announcement for a friend that has me totally stressed out, have to search the internet for some decent clipart (for above card) and then do some photoshop homework. I'm hoping to crash early again tonight because I'm just exhausted. Work sucks and it's draining.
I had an awful night Couldn't sleep b/c I couldn't breathe and my itchiness was driving me crazy!
Nothing much planned for today: picking up mia from my parents house after work. I might do some running around for brothers baby shower next week or checking out ballet outfits for mia- she starts her ballet class saturday morning depending on how I feel.