(her computer is on the brinks so I'm posting it for her)...
I got laid off yesterday after working the whole day. At 4:30 pm my boss called me into her office. When asked why me she told me it was not her choice, she would not have picked me.... ok then, thanks for fighting for me to stay. Im hurt and angry and just can't believe I don't have a job. To top it off, Im not getting a severance because supposedly I owed them money from them paying my insurance while I was on my maternity leave. Thanks for nothing. Im angry because they always talk about the company as family... family my arse. What aboutmy family that they've just dumped out.
They then told me that if the market picks up they want me back. As
if that makes me feel better.
Re: from jayme- she wants to post her vent:
that sucks big time! I'm so sorry Jayme! I know how you feel about the whole "family feeling-company" b/s cuz I got the same load from from last firm. A-holes!
Big hugs to Jayme! Something good will come of this!
Sorry about your job Jayme. I really hope you find a much better position really soon. That's crap too that they wont give you severance.
I can't believe how many people I know that are now laid off. It's so awful, I hope things turn around soon.