i dont know if any of you read one of my post responses to Mae re: her dh's grandma..
but basically my dad's mom is terminally ill with cancer, at this point there is not much dr's can do for her. this all happened in mid december and since then my dad has been back and forth to Mexico.
today they are scheduled to catch a flight home, but it seems grandma is getting worse. i dont know if he'll come home or just stay with her. we know her days are numbered and although we are greatful that she lived a full and beautiful life, it's very hard to say good bye. no one is really prepared, and my dad for one is so not ready to let go of his mom.
we pray for comfort for my grandma and streangth for our family, this is a very difficult time, and your thoughts and prayers are more than appreciated.
thank you!
Re: thoughts and prayers needed!!
Sorry to hear that i wish you and your family the bests.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. We all know death is inevitable but we are never ready to let go.
After all the years of having patients pass away around me-I still find it hard to feel the pain. Its specially hard when you get to know them almost like family.
Our strength as a family helps alot in times like these.