I'm new to the board and to Chicago. ?My H and I just moved here and are looking for a new cell phone plan. ?Which carrier do you use and how has your experience been? ?In particular, we would really like to know the quality of the network in Chicago area.
Currently, my H has AT&T and I have Sprint. ?We're not very happy with the signal availability in our apartment (in Bridgeport). ?Is there any other companies that'll be better? T-mobile? Verizon? ?Or maybe there's something wrong with the building we live in.
We're also trying to start a new family plan, and neither AT&T nor Sprint would let us do it without one of us giving up our current number. ?Our area codes are in different "markets" apparently. ?If you have any experiences combining different area codes in the same family plan, I'd love to hear about it, too! ?TIA!
Re: cell phone carrier?
lucy mae 9.26.11
three square
pinning princess
I don't think you can keep your current phone numbers and switch to a new carrier in this area. My husband and I both have US Cellular, which we really like, but his number is from here and mine is from another state. They won't let us combine our services into a family plan unless I change my phone number to this "market".