San Diego Nesties
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I cant sleep again...its I ventured to some other boards and I have drawn some conclusions.
- There are some crazy b!tches out there.
- There are some super sensitive chicks out there.
- Google is your friend if you dont want to get flamed.
- If you post about something controvercial, be prepared for the backlash, and be sure you can hold your own, without getting hurt feelings.
- You cannot take another persons opinion to heart.
- Sometimes people do not ask a question to hear your honest answer and get offended if you do not "agree" with the answer they were secretly looking for.
- Proper punctuation, complete sentences and spell check are your friend (I am so guilty of not doing this on the local board. Thank God you all are nice).
- The "proper attire for a flight" war on Travel is so funny. There were some serious stabs. (T&H I am sorry you got stuck in the middle, but Erin, I am with made me laugh)
- Finally, people LIE on those baby boards, talking about your kid is so cute....what are you talking about! That kid looks like a 90 year old man plus drowned rat with at cute outfit. Give me a break. LOL.
Anyone else want to add anything?
Re: Opinions on other boards
Ha! I couldn't have said it better myself. There are some know-it-alls that get their point across in the worst way. They think they're the authority on a particular subject, when they just sound like whiny bitches.
And half of the baby pictures are sooooo ugly and I'd rather say nothing than lie and say their baby is cute. You know what they say, a face only a mother could love. I don't understand why it's ok to lie in that situation and you would probably get bashed if you said otherwise.
And who cares what you wear on a plane???????????? Seriously, those people need to get a life. I haven't seen or read that thread so I don't know what went on, but do people really care what others wear on flights? We travel very frequently and honestly, I can't recall anyone's outfit on any of our flights. It's just not that important. Get a hobby and find something else to *** about. I can't stand people that judge others based on their clothes/race/sex/etc. It's all the same to me and they should lose the holier than thou attitude.
You forgot about the super religious "god talks to me" types. We had a few great threads going last November over the Prop 8 issue.
We had some girl on a few threads who kept going on and on about how her MIL was gay and that was ok with her but she felt that it was wrong because "god" told her that being gay was wrong. She (and a few others) couldnt quite grasp why people were questioning her about god talking to her and telling her what to believe!
If god is talking to people, why isnt he talking to me and giving me winning lotto numbers??
If you want a good laugh, check out the baby names board. Some of the really bad names get XPed in Politics & Current Events. If you ever need a good laugh, that is definitely the board to check out.
Ok....the cute baby thing had me giggling like a giddy school girl
All babies are kinda ugly...occasionally there are cute ones but for the most part they do look like drowned wrinkly old people!
Some of the girls on the travel board are just flat out bit...ches! They will complain about everything and will go on rants about how the airline owes them everything under the sun because their flight was delayed/canceled/late/early/overbooked/full of screaming kids/women dressed like skanks hitting on their husbands! And they love to rip apart anyone who works for an airline. Us airline wives tend to band together on that board since we are in the minority.
Most of the girls on our local board seem to have a sense of humor and dont get their panties in a bunch over stupid crap.
lol how funny