This was probably the most difficult thing I've ever done, but I gave my notice at work today. It's also probably the best decision for our family --I think I can be a better mom and a better wife if I'm not struggling to make my deadlines each week (and trying to figure out who will watch Blair if I need to be somewhere, etc.)
DH and I had never planned on my working after Blair was born --but both my editor and my publisher were so accomodating that I felt I couldn't pass up the opportunity to work from home. Trouble is, working full-time from home and being a mom full-time aren't harmonious elements! I can't be a good mom nor a good employee if I'm running on little sleep, endless cups of coffee and Zoloft. It's just too hard to do both (I keep turning things in late, my story-quality is, in my opinion, just crap lately) My bosses seemed dissapointed, and said the kind of things that fully made me second-guess my decision --like I'm the best writer of the bunch right now, that I'd be next in line for promotion to editor-- but I'm sure they were just being nice (if I was so fantabulous, say so during my review so I know where I stand!) ...and though I did second-guess myself (i'd LOVE to be an editor!) that doesn't change the fact that I can't --and haven't been able to-- successfully balance work and momhood.
So, there you have it. Come March 5 I'll be free to devote ALL my time to being the mom/wife I should be, which I am very excited about. I don't have to stick my baby in the playpen and say "mommy will be with you in a minute," when I'm overdue on deadlines. I'll be able to go to bed at a normal hour, and not try to catch up on work late in the night. Overall, I think our household will be much happier in the long run.
Just thought I'd share!
Re: I did it...I gave my notice at work!
Love your siggy pic!!
Looks like you made the right decision. Change is always nervewrecking but congrats on doing what's best for you and your fam!