I need some advice ladies. I want to get our daycare lady a little something for Valentine's Day "from Haley" because she is always going out of her way to take such good care of the baby.
I picked up some cute socks with hearts on them, a little thing of candy and a picture frame. It's technically a Valentine's Day frame but it could be up all year. I thought about putting a picture of the daycare lady and her hubby in the frame and giving it to her that way. I'd have to print the picture off her Facebook or Myspace page though.
Would this be too weird of me? Should I just give her the frame without a picture in it? Am I just analyzing this too much because it's so late and I'm ready to pass out for the night?!
Re: need opinions on V-Day gift
If you are friends with her on facebook or myspace, I would do it. Actually, I have done it.
If your not friends and just found her from the search engines-I wouldn't. Might seem a little stalkery.