Alabama Nesties
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? Reply #19 on: Today at 09:43:00 AM ? |
A ten year old boy was arrested for fighting with the City Manager's son at Fairfax Elementary School. He was taken to the PD and placed in the Chief's office an altercation took place and the EMS was called on the boy and the chief. The boy was held for four hours before he was aloud to call his parents. Does anyone know anything on this?? and what happened to when you got into a fight at school you were sent to the Principals office and you were suspended?   When did the police get involved?
I heard that the Chief slapped this child for not listening. Then the child and Chief got into a fight, which would be expected of anyone who gets slapped for not listening to a city employee. Where was his parents? Why weren't they involved in the conversation before it even began? I heard that the Chief was so out of shape that he lost his breath and the EMS was called for help. 4 hours before being allowed to call home. Really? How crazy. I agree why are the police getting invovled in the first place? Was it because it was a fight with the city manager's child? Who cares he's not anymore special than the other children. Again, folks this is what I heard. I am not giving information I am discussing rumors. Hey Ron, I did not give you anything to argue like some do. I did not give information as facts but as hearsay. I present it as hearsay. I was not there and do not pretend to know more than I do. 
Re: Look at this mess
Very well put and I totally agree.