So today was supposed to be my last day of orientation at my job, but when I get to work... "are you ready to be alone?", the person orienting me called out sick, so I had 34 patients, their meds, and charting! ?My shift was 3-11, I left @ 2:30, I didn't even take a lunch. ?There was all kinds of charting no one had shown me how to do yet, so the nice 11-7 nurse was helping me out & kind of showing me how to get through it.
I just finished eating dinner & am letting it digest. ?Don't get me wrong I am happy to have a job and know it will get better in time I am just so exhausted, the most exhausted ever, more than from when J was born or when he was a newborn.
Re: It is 3 am can I please vent?
vent away! it's probably totally overwhelming to be alone, at a new job, with little help, and at 3 a.m. no less! yikes!
I hope it gets easier...