South Florida Nesties
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I feel like my immune system is shot. I was sick last month with something worse than the flu, and I am sick again this month with a cold. Is it just me or is there another bug going around. This is horrible, I hate being sick.

IF Buddy's with the fabulous LnA5909!!
Myomectomy Sept.09 removed/fibroid the size of a cantaloupe. Began ttc March 2010.
HSG clear/ S/A normal.
July stopped tempting.
First IuI, Clomid and Ovideral. 8/14 and 08/15=BFN!
Second IuI, Clomid and Ovideral. 9/13 and 9/14=BFN
Re: I am sick...
"If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane" -- Jimmy Buffett
I am going to try that. I have been drinking alka seltzer it has helped a little
IF Buddy's with the fabulous LnA5909!!
Myomectomy Sept.09 removed/fibroid the size of a cantaloupe. Began ttc March 2010.
HSG clear/ S/A normal. July stopped tempting.
First IuI, Clomid and Ovideral. 8/14 and 08/15=BFN!
Second IuI, Clomid and Ovideral. 9/13 and 9/14=BFN
My sister keeps telling me to get the flu shot. But I heard it make you sick the first time you get. chicken noodle soup does sound good though. MMMM
IF Buddy's with the fabulous LnA5909!!
Myomectomy Sept.09 removed/fibroid the size of a cantaloupe. Began ttc March 2010.
HSG clear/ S/A normal. July stopped tempting.
First IuI, Clomid and Ovideral. 8/14 and 08/15=BFN!
Second IuI, Clomid and Ovideral. 9/13 and 9/14=BFN
Dh is one to get sick A LOT - he has a very weak immune system. We both got the shot this yr, and we have only gotten a small cold, which w/ the Zicam, has been very short lived.
Oh, and neither one of us got sick w/ the shot, and it was both our first times getting them. I felt nothing. DH felt a bit tired, sluggish for a couple of days, and we think it may be b/c of the shot.
"If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane" -- Jimmy Buffett
Yea, there is definitely something going around... My throat was feeling scratchy, so I took 2 nyquils with vitamin c last night, and 2 dayquils this morning... feeling better already. Zicam is supposed to be wonderful, as well as anything with Zinc. And if you have flu symptoms, TheraFlu will make you feel better... or the warming one... I forgot the name... it's a cough syrup.
I got sick the first time I got it but that was 6 years ago and they said this year that they stopped putting the live virus in it. I don't know if thats true or not but I have to get it every year b/c I have heart problems. I like it, less sick time at work too.
IF Buddy's with the fabulous LnA5909!!
Myomectomy Sept.09 removed/fibroid the size of a cantaloupe. Began ttc March 2010.
HSG clear/ S/A normal. July stopped tempting.
First IuI, Clomid and Ovideral. 8/14 and 08/15=BFN!
Second IuI, Clomid and Ovideral. 9/13 and 9/14=BFN
Awwww I'm sorry you don't feel well. You are right, there has been a sore throat bug going around our office for the past week.
Get some rest, girlie!