OH my, DH and BIL are such a pain the butt sometimes. I wish they would take care of some stuff themselves.
I had to call comcast b/c BIL had internet installed almost 2 months ago in his room and they didn't bury the line so it is strung across mine and the neighbors yards. Why did I call? b/c BIL doesn't think its that important so he didn't. The neighbor has been complaining about it since the day they came out. I called they said they would be out in 5 to 10 days. Wow it was soo hard.
I also, had to call the pest control company again today to have them come back out b/c DH decided to leave a half glass of soda on the end table and we had ants everywhere. Then he said "what good is it to have a pest control guy come out and pay him if the ants are going to come back?" Ummmm HELLO if you leave sugary soda out of course they are going to come back. so I called and they are coming back out on monday.ahhhh
sorry I had to vent a little bit. I feel like I'm their mom instead of wife and SIL.
Thanks for listening.
Re: Taking Charge!