Long Island Nesties
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Poll: Favorite Touristy Place on LI
Mine would have to be Sands Point Preserve. As a kid, my parents would drive us there from Queens for the dinosaurs exhibit. The dinosaurs were mechanical and they moved. As a kid, this was the greatest thing ever.
Now I go every year to the Renaissance Fair in September. It's a lot of fun watching the people who get dressed up. They also have a May Pole, jousting, and tents to buy things.
You can also go hiking on the trails. I've gone with friends before and we hiked to the beach that's nearby. It's a cool place to go.
So what's your favorite touristy place on LI?
Re: Poll: Favorite Touristy Place on LI
i didnt really know there were tourists in LI
Montauk is always fun
i am a fan of the Renaissance Fair. I havent been to one in a while but i always remember have fun there!
Hmm.. I guess touristy may be the wrong word. I guess I just mean places/ attractions people may visit for a day trip or something. I'm not sure how many people would actually vacation here but I know visiting LI from Queens as a kid was always a big deal in my family.
My mom's favorite is the Big Duck. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Duck I've never been to it but I think it's weird..
I've never been to Montauk either. What kind of Long Islander am I?
hmmm...I pretty sure Roosevelt Field doesn't count...
I like Old Bethpage, I think it has to do with the fact my friend works there, but they always have something fun gong on.
I haven't been to the wineries but I would probably really enjoy it now with my newly found love of wine!
Des, of course Roosevelt Field counts!
It's one of my favorite places to go too.
Old Bethpage is really fun too! I like the little farm they have. When I went there a couple years ago, there were piglets. Very cute!
That sounds like a lot of fun! My H doesn't drink wine so it would work out perfectly. He can drive me around.
When is the best time to go? Would it be better in the spring or summer?
most people go in the summer, so it's a little more crowded... spring is nice too, especially in nicer weather!
oh and my DH doesn't drink either...... i call him my "designated husband"! ?