Hey ladies!
So I know everyone is getting excited about spring and severe weather... well I am! But I know that people get really scared like myself when I am asleep and severe weather is coming plus I cant stand the weather radio.... Well now we have a new baby coming and I really dont want the weather radio screaming and waking up the baby. Anyways I am a meteorologist and I wanted to pass along a really cool site where you can get emails and text messages to your phone when a warning comes in just for your location. It is from the NWS and they are the ones that send out the warnings so you will hear about the warning ASAP. I just thought I would tell you guys! Site is below!
Re: Severe weather Preparation
That is awesome - thank you for posting it! I'm going to do it.
I'm on an email list for the University of Alabama, but considering I live about 35 miles away, it's not really the best notification.