i'm so ready for 4 o'clock so i can go home.
but, some good things: i did my taxes last night (finally) and i'm getting back more than twice what i thought i was from fed. woohoo! and i've figured out what i'm doing for my big presentation at the end of the quarter so that i can graduate. yay! i was really starting to stress about it because i only have about three weeks left to get everything together, so i'm feeling much better about it all.
but, we had a bit of a ttc-related snafu: she forgot to do the trigger shot before she left for work last night. we both realized it, and she called me around 12:30 in the morning to talk about what to do. she did an opk that was negative when she got home this morning so she did the trigger and we're just going to deal with it. we'd rather try even if we've skewed the window than skip it altogether--and who knows, maybe timing is what the problem has been all along, right? ugh.
Re: i'm bored.
thanks, ladies. duchess, i use taxact online to do my taxes, i'm not that cool. really nothing to be impressed about since the house is in c's name and i don't have any itemized deductions or anything, although i did have some tuition to claim.
i'm just frustrated about the snafu. i'm trying to stay positive, but we'll see how well i keep it up. i've just been thinking about some friends of ours today. they tried off and on for a few years, then decided to give it another go. they were supposed to do the trigger at the same time c was (9-9:30), forgot about it until she was wasted at a bar around midnight and ended up having a friend do the injection in the nasty bathroom, completely expecting the cycle to be a miserable failure. it worked. you never know, i suppose.