As some of you know, I am planning on moving my family to the Greenville area this July. The main reason is the unemployment here in RI and the housing market. I have been reading that SC is pretty bad as well. I think it is number 3 in the country. I am really starting to re-consider and start sending my husband's resume all of the country. My question is, Am I panicing for no reason? We just paid someone to re-do his resume and it gives me hope as I wasn't crazy about the first one. I really think this one is excellent, so I am going to give it a chance. By May 1st. we need to make a decision as we have children that are starting school in the fall. Just looking for anyones input. TIA.
Re: How bad is the unemployment in SC???
I went on 13 job interviews between Jan and Feb. here in Charleston, and I am not kidding... That was plus second interviews (returns) and I didn't get any of them. I managed to just get a part time job this week. Every interviewer I speak to has over 100 applicants.
But, I don't know what your husbands industry is.... Im in hospitality.
Good luck though, I hope it works out better for you than it has me! haha
Unemployment is at an all-time-high all over the country. It's a very hard time to moving anywhere because you generally lose a bit of credibility when you are a new to an area because people often wonder if you will just pick up and leave and go back to wherever you came from if things get tough.
If you are planning to buy a home, I think that will help a lot. My DH got so many more interviews after his address changed to a single family home after being in an apartment for almost a year.
In general though, I've heard on the news that Unemployment is really bad in the south and eastern part of the state, but things aren't nearly as bad in the upstate. I'm not saying this is the land of milk and plenty, but I wouldn't describe things a dire around here... yet anyway.
If your dad lives in a single family home in the area, then I would absolutely use his address.