Hi Ladies!
I will be giving birth at St. Joe's in September (my OB is Dr. Sofya). ?I am hoping to have the baby unmedicated, mostly because I am more terrified of the epidural than the pain. ?I am going to keep an open mind about everything, though, when the time comes.
So...I contacted a Bradley Method Instructor about her class and she told me that St Joe's is a terrible place to give birth and told me to switch hospitals. She has me freaked out and I just wanted to hear from people who have actually given birth there and what you thought. ?I looked for reviews online and there were very few. ?The detailed ones I did find were bad.
Re: St. Joe's For Birth??
I had my son at St. Joe's in August. It was the most wonderful experience. Every nurse was so nice and helpful. I was induced and had an epidural and both went really well. The rooms at St. Joe's are so nice (and private) and all of the staff was great. I always felt like my baby and I were well taken care of. Maybe your instructor meant it wasn't a great place for the Bradley Method or something. I wouldn't know about all that, I'm all for the drugs as long as I have no pain. I hope that was helpful. Good luck!
P.S. I love your wedding dress. It's beautiful.
Well, I didn't actually have my baby there, however, I know at least 6 people that have and all have wonderful stories to share. They all had good experiences and I never heard a bad word.
Maybe you should call the Bradley person and ask them to elaborate more on why it is such a horrible place.
Thanks ladies! ?It makes me feel better to hear your stories. ?One of my friends has been asking around at work for me and she has also heard nothing but good things.
I think the Bradley instructor meant that I probably wouldn't be supported in my choice to have a natural birth there. ?St Joe's tends to assume you will want to do an epidural and won't allow you to walk around much during labor. ?She said that Doulas she has talked to do not want to work there again.
I am not totally against medicated birth, I just want to be prepared incase I can manage to not use medication. ?I think maybe if I was adamant about not using medication or having a c-section, then it may be an issue. ?I have realized that I would rather be at a state of the art hospital that is well versed in giving epidurals and c-sections, than a smaller hospital that may be more supportive of natural birth, but may not be as practiced in emergency procedures.?
thanks! ?If anyone else has stories, please tell!