Despite that baby-thinks-it's-time-to-wean thing, Blair and I have hammered out a pretty decent schedule, I think (finally! the unscheduled baby has been reigned in!)
But, I'm wondering how you other moms have structured your babies' mealtimes? Blair has milk when she wakes up, playtime, a meal of solids 1-2 hours later, a nap, milk, playtime, meal, nap, play, play, play, meal, milk, bath, play, play, play (we're still working on getting bedtime before 11 p.m.)
I think I'm having trouble getting her solid meals at around the same time we eat breakfast, lunch and dinner (as my ped recc.) and when to schedule in the breastmilk.
Will you share what your days are like? thanks!
Re: examples of your babies' schedules?
My life would be so much less complicated if I could get Rhian and Reese on the same schedule. Reese goes to bed early and wakes early and Rhian is complete opposite, late to bed and sleeps in.
6:30- Reese wakes lucky for me, Michaela is up getting ready for school and she helps me out by fixing breakfast for her and Reese
7:15 to 9:30ish- Mommy and Reese 1-on-1 time
9:30- Rhian wakes up Reese eats a snack while Rhian eats breakfast
10:15 to 12:30- Reese's nap Mommy and Rhian 1-on-1 time
12:45 lunch (Rhian usually picks at it since she eats breakfast so late)
1:30 to 2:30- art time the girls love to color, play with playdoh and finger paint
2:30- nephew comes over kids play and tv time and afternoon snack
4 to 5:30- Reese naps again
6:30- Dinner for everybody
after dinner is baths, stories, playtime
8:30- Reese's bed time
Rhian goes to bed closer to 10:30 and it's a fight everynight.
Milk is given with every meal and sometimes with snacks.
5:30 to 6:00 baby wakes up, bath, and out the door by 6:20 (We don't have a playtime bathtime... no time)
8 am breakfast (solid and milk) he usually holds onto his milk for about a half hour after he eats. We put ice in the milk to keep it fresher longer
noon: lunch (solid and milk)
5:30ish: dinner (solid and milk)
6-7 pm: playtime and story time with mommy
7 pm: sleep
*he is allowed to have a snack between meals. As long as it is not just before we eat. If he wants a snack or a drink, he just asks.
8am - Katie wakes up (some times it is closer to 7am and other times it is closer to 9am) If she did not wake up in the middle of the night for milk, she will get some first thing when she wakes up, but pretty much always wakes up for milk in the middle of the night.
8am-9am - Sesame Street (this is my time to get house work done and make breakfast for Katie and I)
9am-10am - Park or Mall times (I take her somewhere to play, just to get out of the house
10am-11:30am - Free play (we play with books, puzzles, blocks and many other things at home
11:30am - Milk and nap time
1:30 pm - Lunch time (we are kind of experimenting with lunch before nap and after, I kind of like after better)
2pm free play time, I usually take her to the store or to do errands, I try to let her help with laundry or whatever I am trying to get done or we go to the park again. (if you knew how active and go-go-go Katie is you would understand why I have to get her out of the house as much as possible....)
5pm Katie's dinner time, I start dinner for Matt and I while she eats
6pm Matt and I eat dinner and clean up
7pm bath time, milk, story time and play time in Katie's room with mommy and/or daddy
8pm-8:30pm night-night for Katie
anywhere around 2am-5am, Katie wakes up and has milk....I know, bad habit, but Matt insists that she has his metabolism and has to eat them. She will jump in her crib yelling "Milk" until I get it for her.
5am-ish - wake up and bf
6am-7am - 3 mile stroller walk with me and grandma
7-7:30 playtime with daddy
7:30 - 8 breakfast with daddy
8 - shower with daddy
8:30 - bf and down for a nap
10am - wake up and play
11am - bf then leave to go to mommy and me, lunch with friends, errands, etc
12 - lunch
somewhere between 1-2 pm bf and nap
somewhere between 3 and 4 wake up and free time
4:30 - bf then keep playing!
5:30 - dinner
6pm - jammies and book time
6:30 - bf then bed
so we end up bfing about 5-6 times. In the next month or so I am going to try to wean the after nap bfing to get down to 4 times a day (wake up and before sleep times). Hopefully by a year she will be just wake up and bedtime.
She is up at 6A or before... We nurse, eat...and are out of the house by 8A. Has her first nap at 9A for an 1 1/2. She plays, has lunch, milk and then is back down at 1 or 2P depending on the day for another 1 1/2 hour. During the week I pick her up at 4P. We go home nurse have a snack and play. Dinner is at 6P for her then it's bath time, story time, bottle and lights out at 7P. I keep her on the same schedule on the weekends.