San Diego Nesties
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A Pet board nestie, from the OC is doing a FREE pets/pet parent photo shoot on March 7th here in San Diego. I think a few of us are going to do it, but she's had a few people that aren't able to make it, so I'm posting on her behalf. . I'm super excited to go-should be fun, that is if I can get my dog to sit still for a second!
Here are some of the details on the project she's working on:
"My main goal is capture the relationship between dog and owner(s) in a fun and stylish way. I would love for women to dress in heels and dresses, or stylish jeans/top like you're going out for the evening. Nothing fancy, but not casual wear.
Here's what I have so far:
Tentatively scheduled for Balboa Park
- Sessions would consist of up to a 30-45 minute session with you and your dog with no session fee (a mini session fee is normaly $75)
- You will receive 5 edited watermarked, low resolution files to be used on your blog, to email, etc. (These files are not acceptable or released for print.)
- There is no obligation to purchase photos, however your 5 edited photos will be available to order from.
- If you would like to book a "full" session of 45-75 minutes, and receive 20-25 edited photos to order from, I will give you a discounted rate of $75 (normally $100) for a session fee. This offer will ONLY be valid on the scheduled day.
Anyone else game?
(this isn't a vendor posting-trust me, I've posted a million times and genuinely thought some other SD girls might be interested!)
Learning to start all over again...
Re: SD girls w/ pets...
It seems a little odd to me that she wants you to pimp her business by giving you watermarked pics to post in your blog, bio, siggy etc, and is not willing to give you atleast a few pics to print yourself. You are helping her build a portfolio by giving her your time and pet...the least she could do would be to give you a picture or two to print, ya know?
OK, stepping off of my soapbox...I dont even own any pets.
It's actually not weird to me at all! I'm all for it. I think it's a great offer, and fun just to do the shoot regardless. My goal is to be a professional photographer some day, so I understand the need to build your portfolio. I don't see anything wrong with it. She's actually a regular and thoughtful contributor on the pets board, so it's not like she randomly came in to ask us if we were intrested, so don't worry yourself too much about that!
I think it will be fun! I'm happy to help her-it's free, why not? You have to admit even a mini session of $75 is a great deal! I actually might do that, because it fits my budget, and I'll have some great photos of my and my pup!
Learning to start all over again... Blog
Hey there! Photographers come in all shapes and sizes, and I know that a lot give free files for portfolio building. For this special project I am working on, I have decided not to do that. If anyone had approached me for a shoot like this, I would charge, so a free session fee ($100 for a full session, less for a mini) is my freebie.
Everyone runs their business differently, and I hope that I have made the right decisions in running mine, LOL.
If you have any questions don't hesitate to email me!
Missin' my Gabe.
Glad to hear he's feeling better! I hadn't seen you aroudn in a few days so I was worried!
I know what you mean about the bubble thing. I swear our first-year vet bills (especially the emergency kind!) have added up to a down payment on a small house! From bee stings to random illnesss....we also took Cal to meet every dog possible!!! We tell her it is coming out of her college fund.
Learning to start all over again... Blog
We spent $1500 in e-vet bills in just 3 weeks! They know me by name there. At this rate, I don't even want to know what we're in for. The worst part is, I didn't need to go to them the first time. I went to my regular vet, where Porkchop promptly vomited/had bloody diarrhea in front of them and they told us to leave because they were closing. All he had was coccidia. They have a lab on site. They could have saved him the pain of all the tests he had done at the e-vet by just testing his poop and giving us the Albon.
This illness was from the Bulldog beaty contest. I have since found out that over 100 dogs caught this, so at least I now know what it is. The e-vet had no diagnosis, just a huge bill to go with it! Once it gets warmer, we should meet at the Dog Beach with our pups!
Learning to start all over again... Blog
Porkchop learned to dig a few weeks ago! There were dogs digging, and he just sat watching and after about 10 minutes, he joined in. Granted, his holes are not very deep since his legs are so short and stubby, but I was very excited for him! Dh, not so much. He said I shouldn't be encouraging him!
Dog Beach sounds fun... too bad my dog is pretty anti-social. :O(