Today has been a roller coaster. Lets start with the good:
- Andrea had her yearly review and was informed that she's getting the highest raise available for her position! yay
- One of A's coworkers brought in a bunch of books she didnt want anymore and let people pick through them. Andrea grabbed two that "she thought we might get some use out of". The two books? What to expect when your expecting and what to expect the first year. awww. good wifey
and the bad:
- i just had a wisdom teeth consult and all 4 need to be removed. Not only am i a huge baby and this news makes me ill, but apparently my dental coverage sucks and I"ll have an OOP expense of over $1k. that blows.
Blogs: Our Growing Family - CT Working Moms
Re: Yay and nay...
but ugh. If it makes you feel any better, I just had one removed (not impacted or anything) and it was totally fine within 36 hrs.
Go A!! Two awesome things. :-)
I'm sorry about the wisdom teeth. Obviously the OOP expense part is sucky, but I had all 4 removed at the same time and I promis it wasn't that bad. You'll be sore and tired for a few days, but really its not horrible!
Maybe I don't have a heightened sense of smell, but I've never smelled any vagina on my pants. -- TSD
Bloggity Blog - You know you want to...
Congrats to A on her raise!!!
You have all of my sympathy on the wisdom teeth!!! I have been avoiding going to the dentist because I have a sinking feeling the same thing is going to happen to me..... I know people get their wisdome teeth removed all the time, and it's considered a minor thing, but I'm scared!!! And I hadn't even thought about insurance not covering it! Eek!
sahm ~ toddler breastfeeder ~ cloth diaperer ~ baby wearer
yay for a's raise! and how sweet about the books.
that sucks about the wisdom teeth. poo for sucky dental coverage. i'm so afraid of having to have mine taken out. my mom didn't get hers removed until she was in her 30s and i distinctly remember picking her up from surgery with my father. at least i only have two, so if i have to have them taken out it won't be so bad...
Yay raise!
A+ wifey
Boo wisdom teeth!
Yay for the raise and the books.
So sorry to hear about the wisdom teeth.I know you weren't looking to spend a thousand dollars on teeth! The procedure isn't too bad, just keep ice on both sides as much as possible. If you keep the swelling down you will have less pain.
Ooooh. The teeth thing makes me cringe in sympathy for you.
But good on the raise and the books. And those are very helpful books.
Aww congrads on the raise and books!!!!
Sry about the wisdom teeth im in the same boat.
no fun at all.
A Rocks!
Teeth - not that bad. I had one taken out because it was trying to break through and I wasn't sedated. That was a mistake because I cried during the whole thing. When I went in to get the other 3 removed they put me out and it was awesome. I woke up, my parents took me home, and I ate ice cream and real food in a matter of hours.
Yay for the raise and books.
Sorry about the wisdom teeth. I had mine done when I was 18 (so that I was still on my mom's insurance) and it was no fun at all (I'll spare the details), but I'm glad I don't have to worry about it now/later. My mom had to get hers out while she was pregant with me and couldn't use the regular pain meds... that would be way worse!