we just made a very successful match between one of my close friends (let's call her jill) and one of DH's best friends (jack). this weekend is jack's birthday and jill was very nervous about the whole thing. they've only been together for 2 months so she doesn't want to over do it but she wants it to be a special weekend. she asked for my help planning and i told jack was really interested when DH told him we went rock climbing and that might be a fun thing for all of us to go do. jill thought it was a great idea and we both were really excited to get our guys together and do something fun. a few days later, DH also remembered that there's a big game on saturday and that jack really really wanted to go to that. DH told jill about that and jill was really excited about what a great weekend it was going to be.
cut to last night...(can you tell DH was in the TV business)
DH finds out from jill that we don't have tickets to the game even though he had asked jill to get them for us so we could all sit together (obviously we'd pay them back). when he asked jill about it, she said she got a weird vibe from him when they chatted about it online a few days ago and assumed we didn't want to go.
so today i send her a text to make sure the rock climbing was still tomorrow - its a ways from us and i wanted to coordinate getting there. she sends one back that she didn't think we were going but she'll send the info over so we can make reservations.
i got soo pissed...i never received any phone calls about a change in our plans and i was soo excited about it all week. why would she think we weren't going? and wouldn't you call someone if you all had planned to go before you make reservations? if i hadn't texted her, she would have assumed we weren't going and have gone out there without even telling me about it. is that b!tchy or am i overreacting?
Re: is it me or this is b!tchy?
IF Buddy's with the fabulous LnA5909!!
Myomectomy Sept.09 removed/fibroid the size of a cantaloupe. Began ttc March 2010.
HSG clear/ S/A normal. July stopped tempting.
First IuI, Clomid and Ovideral. 8/14 and 08/15=BFN!
Second IuI, Clomid and Ovideral. 9/13 and 9/14=BFN
I dont think it's bitchy. i think there was more of a lack of communication. not saying that this was your situation but sometimes friends talk about doing something together but when they go to long w/o talking one of the friends will assume that the other person was just throwing out ideas not making firm plans. I think she should have called you and told you "hey i'm making the reservations", but then again she's already really nervous about the entire situation so i'm sure she was shy to continue imposing.
I still think you and your hubby should make reservations/buy tickets and enjoy yourselves. It's just a bummer that she didnt call and just "assumed" that you guys didnt want to go.
Well, this is something else. I'm sorry that this is unfolding like this for you
Hopefully your friend remembers to cherish what you had before this guy (whom you introduced her to).
I'm thinking her plan was to have a fun wkend them two... and used your ideas to plan! I totally agree that it was not nice of her to "cancel" w/out telling you.
"If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane" -- Jimmy Buffett
My opinion which might sound bitchy is, go and do the rock climbing and the ball game with just your hubby or ( see if another couple wants to go with you) and when you see them, just ignore them and keep having fun, then they will see how much fun they are missing out on with you guys. Its kind of childish but she pushed you aside and I wouldn't let it ruin your weekend.
Good luck. And sorry you are going through this.
i think she did it on purpose. If she is your friend, she shouldn't have had a problem calling you about it after she got a "wierd vibe" from your DH just to double check... she probably just wanted it to be just them...