I was going to leave for work this morning....I took the garbage out, was walking back to the garage where the car was parked and noticed water running from underneath my car all of the way to the driveway. I panicked, thinking something was wrong with my car. Then, I hear the "drip, drip"...water falling onto my car. I look up and realize that there are 2 holes leaking from the ceiling of the garage along with a 3ftx4ft wet mark in the ceiling. Well, to make a long story short, my bathroom sink apparently sprung a leak and had actually damaged the wall in our bedroom, the carpet was soaked and the rest of the water was leaking into the garage downstairs. Thank goodness, my DH was able to come back home from work and take care of things. Needless to say, my supervisor was not so compassionate. So right now, I have a hole in the wall of my bedroom, a hole in the ceiling of the garage, and 2 VERY LOUD fans going to dry up everything. Thank goodness that our home (we just move in in June'08) is still under warranty. But the catch is, the secondary damage (ie-drywall, plaster, etc, it not covered). I guess it could have been much worse...it could have leaked into our dining room and onto our brand new dining room set, right?? Anyways, I got through work and came home, my DH even had dinner waiting for me--what a sweetie! We opened up a bottle of wine and the bottle was bad. I couldn't even get a good glass of wine tonight. I guess I will just have to settle for some ice cream! Anyways...here's to a better Tuesday!
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Re: What a day...need to vent!
Ahhh... the joys of home ownership... water damage is the worst too! I'm so sorry you had to deal with that!
Your hubs is the best! ?
That stinks, but your DH sounds wonderful.
Although I'd love a glass of wine, ice cream can work wonders for a bad day!
Hope you have a relaxing night!
ugh, talk about a monday. glad it was not worse. hopefully it won't cost too much $$. hope today was better.
what a sweet hubby you have. i think i would of lost it once i realize i could not have a glass of wine.