South Florida Nesties
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A coworker and I were talking earlier today, and it is funny that we both did the same thing, and I was wondering what we ladies do to be sneaky and get our way around DH. LOL
Mine was that sometimes I'll stay late at work, as to not have to cook... so take out it is. 
-- Jackie
"If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane" -- Jimmy Buffett
Re: Sneaky things we do
Ooooh I like this post.
Sometimes I paint my nails so I get out of folding laundry or making up a new bed. "Awww.....but my nails are wet, sweetheart."
oh I like this post too.
Lets see. When I let the dog outside before we go to bed, I hurry and get in the shower so he has to get back up to let them in. (He caught onto that one after about the 6th time) lol
Or I'll get in my pj's right after ordering a pizza so that I don't have to go out and get it. Thats my best one.
If I don't feel like cooking, I ask DH to make dinner and request a specific dish. He always says that I know how to make it too, but I reply by saying that it always comes out better when he makes it. He loves it.
"If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane" -- Jimmy Buffett
Ditto. It always work and it is a self esteem booster for them.
IF Buddy's with the fabulous LnA5909!!
Myomectomy Sept.09 removed/fibroid the size of a cantaloupe. Began ttc March 2010.
HSG clear/ S/A normal. July stopped tempting.
First IuI, Clomid and Ovideral. 8/14 and 08/15=BFN!
Second IuI, Clomid and Ovideral. 9/13 and 9/14=BFN
IF Buddy's with the fabulous LnA5909!!
Myomectomy Sept.09 removed/fibroid the size of a cantaloupe. Began ttc March 2010.
HSG clear/ S/A normal. July stopped tempting.
First IuI, Clomid and Ovideral. 8/14 and 08/15=BFN!
Second IuI, Clomid and Ovideral. 9/13 and 9/14=BFN
Morning ladies! Well my darling hates anything that is healthy or good for him so I am constanstly sneaking in things that are good for him. The other night I made him this very hearty indian dish and he asked me if it had meat (it was really thick) .. so I said "yes" little does he know that it was completely vegetarian with lots of beans and tomatoes.
Another thing is that he hates mushroom (according to him) .. little does he know that he eats mushrooms at least once a week and loves it!! muahaha!!
That is to funny. LOL
IF Buddy's with the fabulous LnA5909!!
Myomectomy Sept.09 removed/fibroid the size of a cantaloupe. Began ttc March 2010.
HSG clear/ S/A normal. July stopped tempting.
First IuI, Clomid and Ovideral. 8/14 and 08/15=BFN!
Second IuI, Clomid and Ovideral. 9/13 and 9/14=BFN
It posted my reply before I could finish typing...
I hate making the bed. Our bedroom set is DH's. He got it before we got married. The matress is so thick that it is really hard to put the fitted sheet all the way around the mattress. When we first got married, DH got stuck dressing the bed one day and he did such a great job that I always tell him he does it better than me. hehe
I do this too, Or I just say it was on sale. lol He makes a joke when I come home with something and asks "was that on sale too?"
IF Buddy's with the fabulous LnA5909!!
Myomectomy Sept.09 removed/fibroid the size of a cantaloupe. Began ttc March 2010.
HSG clear/ S/A normal. July stopped tempting.
First IuI, Clomid and Ovideral. 8/14 and 08/15=BFN!
Second IuI, Clomid and Ovideral. 9/13 and 9/14=BFN