I'm on CD 41, 12 DPO (possibly? idk?). My chart has been extremely ambiguous all month... my temps have been up and down, my CF not helping things at ALL. I thought I might be ao this cycle, but I thought I had a noticable temp shift 12 days ago... Well after my temps shifted, they stayed high except for dropping well below the cover line a couple times, which had me sort of doubting that I O'd at all. my CF is still kind of wonky, so that neither proved or disproved anything, really. my CP had me thinking that I DID o. Day before yesterday my temps finally dropped back down around what I usually temp pre-o, but no AF.
dh and I aren't relying solely on fam/nfp for TTA yet, and we haven't done anything since CD 2. He's been sick.
I chart on paper, so I don't have anything on FF to link to
I've been lurking on GP for the past week or so and I haven't really seen anything helpful. I'm going to start charting on FF as soon as I start my next cycle.
I don't really know what I'm asking... Does any of this seem familiar to you? Any suggestions? this is cycle #2 after coming off of BCP.
I'm 99.9999% I'm not KU, I just don't know whether or not to expect AF in the next few days... Or if this is something I can expect for the next few cycles coming so soon off of BCP.
Re: fam/nfp girls: chart troubleshooting? possible TMI :(
i think this is an issue with your body adjusting to being off of bcp. reading the description you gave, i wonder if you o'd at all. when my temp shifts after o-ing, it stays high (in the 98 degree range) until AF. it doesn't drop below the cover line until then. so i would think that you haven't o'd yet. i had a friend that starting charting after coming off bcp, and she had *very* long annovulatory cycles. but it's hard for me to say without seeing your chart.
Ah, this seriously made me feel so much better
thanks ladies!!! I'm definitely putting my temps on FF tonight... maybe I'll be able to see things a little clearer after that.
Since I'm not TTC, I'm not terribly worried about being ao, I'm just going out of town this wknd and I didn't know if I needed to pack re-inforcements or not...