I am sitting here in my office with the worst menstrual cramps, only on one side. It's day 2 of this stabbing like pain that comes and goes for 20 seconds at a time.
Now, here's the weird part. I do get ovulation pain in the middle of the month, lucky me right. This month the ovulation pain was on the right side.......and now 2 weeks later, the menstrual cramps are only on the left. I am pretty confused.
I don't have my annual appointment for the Ob/Gyn until June. And this is month 3 off the pill, so I'm not sure if this is normal. I've never been told I have cysts or endometriosis or anything. Then again, I've been on the pill for quite a few years.
Should I call the doctor's office? Or just pop some Midol?
Re: So this may be a bit TMI.....personal advice
IF Buddy's with the fabulous LnA5909!!
Myomectomy Sept.09 removed/fibroid the size of a cantaloupe. Began ttc March 2010.
HSG clear/ S/A normal. July stopped tempting.
First IuI, Clomid and Ovideral. 8/14 and 08/15=BFN!
Second IuI, Clomid and Ovideral. 9/13 and 9/14=BFN
Well I have to say, I get weird things like that all time but I get cysts. That said, You could always just call the Dr.s and ask to talk to the nurse let her know whats going on and she can either tell you to make an appointment early or that you could try taking Tylenol and see if that helps or Midol.
I hope you feel better.
I second what Yocy said, good stuff, primrose oil is a good addition as well, it's a natural anti-inflammatory and also helps with breast tenderness. Calcium and yoga is my drug
Everyone gets cysts, but every month they go away on their own, other times you may feel it when it bursts, this just may be what's going on. Also, you're only 3 months post BC, it usually takes at least 3 months for your body to completely rid itself from all the synthetic hormones and your body will start taking over.
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