This is what could happen. I was talking to one of my best friends who will be applying to residencies at various hospitals, she is going to make an amazing doctor and is one of the most compassionate people that I know. She was really excited about ob/gyn but her like many in healthcare are in a state of uncertainty when it comes to the future. Socialization of medicine is a disaster, and that's just what we need, the government telling doctors what treatments, procedures and meds they can give the patients..
I am sickened by the fact that Obama is working fervently to overturn the regulations that protect physicians and their right of conscience, the law has always protected the rights of the doctor to choose which procedures they want to perform, such as abortions. This is not a pro-life/pro-abortion argument, this is ethical. If an ob/gyn went to school for 8 years and then did a residency for another 5 years to deliver and save babies, why does the government have to step in and force that doctor to perform an abortion if he or she does not want to? Just as an ob/gyn has the right to tell a patient he cannot deliver your baby, but can refer you to someone. The government wants all federally funded (both directly and indirectly) hospitals to perform an abortion on a patient even if the physician has objections either medical, ethical or religious. If they object they could face having their certification revoked! If this regulation goes through, doctors will be forced to break their Hippocratic oath they they took upon graduating. How about religiously affiliated hospitals? Will they have to close their gynecology department?
Now back to my friend, it saddens me that she's choosing a different specialty that she became passionate about because she doesn't want her freedom possible taken from her. I think we need to go after the medical insurance companies...there's so much corruption there $$
Re: Shortage of ob/gyn's in the future?
"If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane" -- Jimmy Buffett
The whole healthcare system is broken. Obama is trying to make things affordable. However, if you think that doctors aren't brainwashed now or don't receive incentives to do or not do certain procedures - whether it be by the insurance company or by other forces - you are wrong.
Our system is one that creates long term care patient not one that cures.
The whole healthcare system is broken. Obama is trying to make things affordable. However, if you think that doctors aren't brainwashed now or don't receive incentives to do or not do certain procedures - whether it be by the insurance company or by other forces - you are wrong.
Our system is one that creates long term care patients not one that cures.
yeah, thanks Jackie, she's even come to the point where she feels she made a bad decision going to med school, but I encourage, she has a good heart and is so smart, she needs to share that gift.
Cheryl, I agree 100% with. The problem is not only with doctors but stems with the FDA. Go to any MD for cholestrol problems, what do you get? Lipitor the #1 drug that causes muscle loss and a multitude of evil side effects. There is a patent out there in FDA land of the dead that would eliminate about 90% of those side effects, but Merck doesn't feel it's necessary to invest the extra money.
My blog
where did you get this information? lipitor doesn't cause muscle loss. in a very minute percentage of people it can cause breakdown of muscle but its such a rare occurrence - that class of drugs has proven to reduce the cholesterol plaques in coronary arteries and prevents heart attacks. what other evil side effects are you talking about?
romigu...if you read the insert and several research studies all statin drugs deplete your CoQ10 which leads to breakdown of muscle tissue. Of course those events don't occur overnight, and yes your cholesterol profile will improve over time, but like most drugs, it's only fixing the symptoms and not the problem. For some individuals the negative side effects are more severe just like all meds, this one in particular to a higher degree.
we've had several patients that were taken off statin drugs and have had their cholestrol improved significantly by taking natural alternative supplements including my mom. I just think it's absurd that doctors tell their patients to take all these drugs and not work on lifestyle changes, and they continue eating all the crap they want, and smoking. You can still be on Lipitor and have arterial plaque, because this drug cannot dissolve all that you ingest and change your triglyceride levels.
First... Hi Lily! :P
:::Now Stepping on my soapbox:::
Let me show you a different point of view. I'm all for socialized medicine... but I'll admit I don't know of any of the ramifications for the doctors. This is only MY point of view, and MY experiences. Anyone seen the documentary Sicko? I know (like all his documentaries) its skewed to make Michael Moore's point, but it is incredibly eye opening.
Since my husband and I are both self employed, we have to purchase our own individual health insurance. I have a Health Savings Account, which means I have lower premiums and high deductibles. My health insurance preimum is about $375 a month for my husband and myself... and it seems to go up every 6 months or so.
My husband has chronic back pain. We've spent hundreds of dollars on medicine, testing, different doctors, etc... and he still had pain. He even spent $1000 on a chiropractor, which left him in even more pain. He's asked for cortisone shots so he can have some pain relief. No one will do it without prescribing him all kinds of different drugs first.
We went to Germany to visit his family (where they have socialized medicine) and he went to the doctor there. In 5 minutes the doctor gave him a cortisone shot and told him to do specific exercises and gave us a bill for 100 euros. That's about $140. No pain afterwards. If he were a German Citizen, he wouldn't have paid a penny.
The doctors here clearly didn't want to alleviate his pain, they just want to keep him coming back over and over to "try" something else.
I went to the dermatologist here because I was having a slight breakout. The dr prescribed me $600 worth of PIMPLE MEDICINE. Needless to say, I did not fill the prescriptions. I went to a derm in Germany... I got a prescription for Differin that cost me about $20. This exact same cream would have easily been $300 here.
We've decided from now on we're going to save all of our doctor appointments for when we visit Germany, and just pay cash there. Our health insurance is now just an emergency fund if something catastrophic happens.
Maybe socialized medicine is not the right thing for us, but there is a major problem here. Why the heck is doctor prescribed pimple cream $300? Why is heartburn medicine $300 for a one month supply? How can pharma companies charge so much for meds? There needs to be some kind of regulation.
Some of the best countries in the world have socialized medicine (France, Switzerland, Italy, Germany... etc). Yes, they pay more taxes, but hell... I pay a lot of taxes here.
On the flip side.. I do feel for your friend. I can't imagine all GYNs being forced to perform abortions. I hope that will be an option, not mandatory.
Hi Candace!! made your coffee apple cake again the other day, that stuff goes in 5 seconds! lol
I don't blame you, I have a friend that gets all her dental work in Brazil, quality work and cheap! I'd like to believe that socialized medicine will work here.
romigu, it's true, very few patients will cooperate, it just takes to much effort to read food labels and everyone wants an easy fix. but yes, those drugs reduce plaque, but to have my mom misdiagnosed with MS because she was on statin drugs that caused her severe dizziness and muscle pain is so not worth it to me. Those pills are last resort in my book.