So Tai's foster mom brought her to our house this morning -such a sweetie, but she was really anxious when her foster mom left. Tai kept looking out the window for her, but eventually settled down and I pet her for about an hour.
I let her out to do her business, and she was sniffing around the yard, and as we were walking back in the house she instead went down the driveway and shimmied through the cat-hole in the fence!
I ran out after her, in my socks, for five blocks, but I couldn't keep running b/c Blair was in the house, asleep, and alone, and DH wasn't home. I stood there in the middle of the street, watching Tai run, and I had to turn around and run home! I grabbed the baby, strapped her in the car and spent the next 3 hours driving around, but she was gone. A man living near where I last saw her said that instead of running toward the main street she doubled back and headed back into my neighborhood, but I haven't found her.
We plastered signs all over, and I called Noah's Bark (part of the adoption contract is that we call in case the dog gets lost... I didn't imagine it would only be an HOUR after we got her!) Her foster mom came back over and said she'd gotten out before, but they found her. I think Tai was probably trying to find her way back to her foster home, and luckily that's only a mile or so away... but still!
I feel so awful. What kind of person rescues a dog and then lets it escape? There's no way she should have fit through the cat hole, it's made to fit a 13lb cat, not a 45 lb dog. Not even the neighborhood possum tries to fit through that narrow little hole, but Tai did. The foster mom did an inspection of our yard and wasn't at all concerned with it...
I wish I could have run faster. I wish Blair hadn't been home alone. I hope to God we find her!
This has been a miserable weekend. My best friend's mom died early Friday morning --something I hadn;t planned to post about b/c it's just too sad -- but add to that adopting a dog for just an hour... ugh, I think I'm going to be sick thinking about it. what next? An earthquake? The baby learns to climb out of her crib and lands on her head?
If I might ask for them, May I ask for your prayers and good wishes? please pray for my friend's mom, who deserved a much better end than she got. And pray for this little dog --not for our family losing her, but that she gets picked up off the streets, she doesn't need to be a stray anymore.
Re: dog adoption tragedy! long....
I'm so sorry for all that's gone on this weekend. I hope that Tai gets picked up by a friendly person and doesn't get herself hurt. She must be so scared and I'm sure you feel horrible even though there's no way you could've forseen this. ((HUGS))
One of our dogs is able to squeeze into the smallest of places. She's a 65lb dog but can get herself through a dog door meant for toy breeds. We have no idea how she does it but h calls her the Playdoh dog because it's like watching playdoh squeeze through the shape presses.
How awful! I hope she's found safe and sound. It's really not your fault, the poor dog was just confused and following her instinct.
Prayers for you mom and her friend's family. You've had a rough weekend!
How awful! I hope she's found safe and sound. It's really not your fault, the poor dog was just confused and following her instinct.
Prayers for your mom and her friend's family. You've had a rough weekend!