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Believe it or not, I've managed to go all these years without having attended a wedding and not been in the wedding party. We are invited to Ryan's boss's wedding later this month, and the ceremony is at 6pm in a church. What kind of outfit should I be looking at? I'm completely lost. Thanks in advance!

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Re: What to wear?
Thanks, ladies! Now I just have to find one...haha
I have a handful of dresses, but I don't think any of them are the right size AND appropriate for the occasion.
I have the hardest time finding dresses, because for some reason, most brands don't seem to make their dresses in less than a 6, and I need a 2. Add on to that the price factor, and it's almost impossible to find something I like.
I know, I know, what a great problem to have, right? I just don't understand why it's so difficult to find something in my size, because there are a lot of women out there much smaller than I am. Vent over.
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I know how you feel on the dresses! Do you have a White House Black Market near you? They have some cute black dresses - obviously white is not in order for a wedding
If you look at Nordstrom's website, they actually have a section in their dress shop called "Guest of Wedding." There are a lot of dresses there, and it should at least give you a good idea of what to look for. HTH!
Here is the link:
White house black market is the best!!!! Plus they usually have dresses you can dress up or down depending on where you are wearing it.
Also, you might find something at a boutique on sale since you're a smaller size (yes, can I PLEASE have your problem?!!?!?), Macy's too.
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I found some dresses that I like! I'm not sure yet how much I can convince Ryan to let me spend, but here's what I've found... Oh, and the WHBM dresses over $80 are an additional $20 off with a coupon code, I believe. Which one would you choose if you were trying to keep the cost down?
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I think the Lily dress from Nordstrom looks really flattering and classic - you could wear that to multiple events. It may be a little warm for it, I'm not sure. I also like the Taffeta tank dress from WHBM.
I like this too:
There are some cute ones at Macy's and J.Crew too (much more selection on J.Crew website than in the store).
D'oh...looks like the taffeta dress is out of my size.
Do you think this one is too casual?
I'm really liking that one!
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2 more!
I guess I should clarify that I usually have a hard time finding my size because I typically don't look at more expensive stores, haha.
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I like the BR one a lot... I don't think it's too casual if you wear the right shoes. Wedding attire is kind of regional, and most of the weddings I go to in AL (even evening ones) are never truly formal.
I like the Max & Cleo one too... I am a huge fan of BCBG so they are usually flattering too. The one with the belt is cute, but I'm usually really picky about belts that come with dresses... they can tend to look a little cheap... better to see in person before buying.
Thanks again for all of your help! Can you tell how indecisive I am? :P
I'm pretty sure I'm going to go with the Max and Cleo one from Dillard's, but I'm still waiting on an opinion from Ryan, hehe
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Oh well, at least Dillard's shipments come pretty quickly, so I should have time to get another one if it doesn't fit.
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